Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kelo v. City of New London

Kelo v. City of New London was the 2005 Supreme Court case where the court, against all American precedent and sound reason, said that it would be just fine for the government to eminent domain anyone's property and give it to a private enterprise, like a Wal-Mart, if they said they would pay the government more taxes on the property than the owner would.

wikipedia article

Rejecting this practice, Texans overwhelmingly voted just the other day for a constitutional amendment to keep governments from using eminent domain to take property for private enterprise in our state. Most other states have taken similar steps to stop state and local governments from pulling this crap.

Dallas Morning News article

Recently, as stated in the wikipedia article...
"In September 2009, the land where Susette Kelo's home had once stood was an empty lot, and the promised 3,169 new jobs and $1.2 million a year in tax revenues had not materialized. On November 9th 2009, it was reported that Pfizer had abandoned the site and is "considering selling, leasing, or other options" for the property."

New London took this lady's property for absolutely nothing, and the Supreme Court said that was a peachy idea.

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